
Pripyat was founded in 1970 as the ninth Atomgrad in the USSR, a one industry super-bloc, and part of the ‘peaceful atom’ project to house workers for the nearby Vladimir I Lenin nuclear power plant

Jupiter Factory Pripyat

Jupiter Factory Pripyat

Завод Юпитер Припять The Jupiter factory was situated on Zavodska Street 11 in the outskirts of Pripyat. The factory used...

Palace of Culture Gym

Pripyat Palace of Culture ‘Energetik’

Дворец культуры «Энергетик» Припять Pripyat Palace of Culture ‘Energetik’ was built during the 1970s for the citizens of the town...

Radek Laboratory Pripyat

лаборатории «Радэк» Припять This kindergarten on the northern side of Pripyat was reconverted to a contaminated soil research laboratory named...

Sanatorium ‘Sunny’

Pripyat Sanatorium Solnechny

Профилакторий «Солнечный» Припять This the Pripyat Sanatorium Solnechny. It is situated on the outskirts of the city, in a park...

Pripyat Kindergarten № 13 Goldfish

Pripyat Kindergarten № 13 Goldfish

Детский сад № 13 «Золотая рыбка» Припять Kindergarten № 13 Goldfish is one of Pripyat’s many abandoned preschool buildings. It...

Pripyat Kindergarten № 7 Golden Key

Детский сад № 7 «Золотой Ключик» Припять Kindergarten № 7 Golden Key, or Zolotoj Kluchik, is one of Pripyat’s many...

Pripyat Cargo Port

Pripyat Cargo Port

Припятский грузовой порт The Pripyat Cargo Port is an abandoned industrial site located east of the city Pripyat on the...

Debarkader D-241

Pripyat Debarkader D-241

Дебаркадерv Д-241 Припять This is debarkader D-241, a floating pier that used to be stationed at the Marina River Station...

Avangard Stadium Pripyat

Avangard Stadium Pripyat

Припятский стадион “Авангард” This is the Avangard Stadium in Pripyat. It was, along with the Lazurny pool, the most important...

Pripyat Secondary School № 5

Pripyat Secondary School № 5

Припять средняя школа № 5 Pripyat Secondary School № 5 is one of the five secondary schools in the atom...

Pripyat Secondary School № 2

Pripyat Secondary School № 2

Припять средняя школа № 2 Pripyat Secondary School № 2 is one of the five secondary schools in the city...

Chernobylservice Garage

Гараж «Чернобыльсервиса» Chernobylservice is a cemetery of abandoned heavy engineering vehicles in Pripyat. Trucks, tanks and machines are slowly rusting...

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