Pripyat Cargo Port
Припятский грузовой порт The Pripyat Cargo Port is an abandoned industrial site located east of the city Pripyat on the...
All reports of places in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.
Припятский грузовой порт The Pripyat Cargo Port is an abandoned industrial site located east of the city Pripyat on the...
Дебаркадерv Д-241 Припять This is debarkader D-241, a floating pier that used to be stationed at the Marina River Station...
Припятский стадион “Авангард” This is the Avangard Stadium in Pripyat. It was, along with the Lazurny pool, the most important...
Припять средняя школа № 5 Pripyat Secondary School № 5 is one of the five secondary schools in the atom...
Припять средняя школа № 2 Pripyat Secondary School № 2 is one of the five secondary schools in the city...
Гараж «Чернобыльсервиса» Chernobylservice is a cemetery of abandoned heavy engineering vehicles in Pripyat. Trucks, tanks and machines are slowly rusting...
Припять Торговля The Pripyat Retail provide the residents with food and goods. Pripyat was one of the more privileged places...
Припять Милиция и Пожарная часть Like any other city, also Pripyat had its own police force and fire brigade. The...
Чернобыльская АЭС имени В. И. Ленина The ‘Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant’ was officially named the ‘Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Nuclear Power Plant’. It had...
Паришів Paryshiv is a small village near Chernobyl that got abandoned after the disaster with the nuclear plant. The abandoned...
Железнодорожная станция Янов Before the Chernobyl disaster, this ‘Yaniv Railway Station’ belonged to the Southwestern Railways in Ukraine. It was...
Замошня Zamoshnya is a village in the southwestern part of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, located on the left bank of...
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