Pripyat Music School
Профилакторий «Солнечный» Припять

This is the Pripyat Music School on the Kurchatova street. This building used to be full of music, with several rehearsal rooms and a big auditorium.
The grand piano in the auditorium is one of the classic photos you can take in abandoned Pripyat today. But years of abandonment shows its signs. Most rooms are empty, only the piano reminds us of its former use.
The beautiful mosaic relief above the entrance was created by Ivan Lytovchenko in 1976 and is titled ‘Music’. There are numerous mosaics across the city, All of them were made by Litovchenko. They are made from Smalti, traditional hand-cut mosaic glass. The vivid colors are achieved through adding metal oxides. The color changes depending on the lighting. Up to his death in 1996, Litovchenko had doubts if public will be able to see his works ever again. He didn’t know that in the 2010s, Pripyat turned into the touristic hotspot it is today.